Between the rush of last minute shopping, doing fun activities with my family and getting sick at the midnight hour, it was very tough to keep up with my December Daily this year.
But I come today with fantastic news! It is finished!
I had been obsessing about for a particular reason (which I'll share later)...
For now, I'd like to flood this page with photos and inspiration.
I know there are many MANY people who have photos printed, who have a pile of Christmas craft supplies overflowing their desk space, (who are looking to start their Project Life), but just "NEED" to complete their December Daily; or else it'll be left undone like last year's, .. well, I dedicate this blog to you.
The best way to go about it is take a good 2 days (depending how far along you are), crank some pumpin' music (whatever gets your creative juice flowin'), and GET'ER DONE!
It will be frustrating.
You will feel stumped after 3 pages.
You will want to quit and rip everything part.
You will want to throw everything in a box and ship it to someone else.
BUT YOU WILL push through and get it done.
And when you do, you will feel so ACCOMPLISHED!
You will look through the pages, smile and remember how fun it was to make those cookies.
(even if they burned).
You will forget how stressful getting the decorations out and trimming your home.
Or how difficult it was to hide your kids gifts.
All you'll see and remember are the sweet memories.
THAT'S what it's all about!
And next year. When October approaches, and new yummy Christmas craft goodies are showing themselves in blogs and Instagram, you won't feel guilty shopping for them. Because last year (2013), you used all your supplies and completed your December Daily.
Thank you for allowing me to share my love of crafting with you.
Thank you for the sweet comments and gracious messages.
Thank you for inspiring me to press on. To do more. To be better.
And thank you for giving me the outlet to do all the above.
You are my creative juice.
And I pray 2014 will be newer. Different. Better.
Which brings me to my next order of business.
As I began to go back to church the last quarter of 2013, and hear God's word. And be ministered to. I came to the realization that I need/want to have a deeper relationship with God and with my church family. So I will be taking a little hiatus. Hopefully until the beginning of February. I can't guarantee that I'll return, but if I do I hope to continue to inspire and challenge you.
If you are interested in hearing about my mental, physical and spiritual growth, you can click here and follow my new blog.
Happy New Year and Be Blessed!
But I come today with fantastic news! It is finished!
For now, I'd like to flood this page with photos and inspiration.
I know there are many MANY people who have photos printed, who have a pile of Christmas craft supplies overflowing their desk space, (who are looking to start their Project Life), but just "NEED" to complete their December Daily; or else it'll be left undone like last year's, .. well, I dedicate this blog to you.
The best way to go about it is take a good 2 days (depending how far along you are), crank some pumpin' music (whatever gets your creative juice flowin'), and GET'ER DONE!
It will be frustrating.
You will feel stumped after 3 pages.
You will want to quit and rip everything part.
You will want to throw everything in a box and ship it to someone else.
BUT YOU WILL push through and get it done.
And when you do, you will feel so ACCOMPLISHED!
You will look through the pages, smile and remember how fun it was to make those cookies.
(even if they burned).
You will forget how stressful getting the decorations out and trimming your home.
Or how difficult it was to hide your kids gifts.
All you'll see and remember are the sweet memories.
THAT'S what it's all about!
And next year. When October approaches, and new yummy Christmas craft goodies are showing themselves in blogs and Instagram, you won't feel guilty shopping for them. Because last year (2013), you used all your supplies and completed your December Daily.
From here on out is where I got very busy and started to slack...
Even the photos are not as clear...
*time crunch*
I was also able to SMASH a few pages in the Holiday Smashbook.
Since I love doing a Dec Daily, I decided to use the Holiday Smashbook to record every year we've been together on 2 pages. This book will last me forever. hehehe.
(so far I've smashed 2010 - 2013)
(so far I've smashed 2010 - 2013)
Thank you for allowing me to share my love of crafting with you.
Thank you for the sweet comments and gracious messages.
Thank you for inspiring me to press on. To do more. To be better.
And thank you for giving me the outlet to do all the above.
You are my creative juice.
And I pray 2014 will be newer. Different. Better.
Which brings me to my next order of business.
As I began to go back to church the last quarter of 2013, and hear God's word. And be ministered to. I came to the realization that I need/want to have a deeper relationship with God and with my church family. So I will be taking a little hiatus. Hopefully until the beginning of February. I can't guarantee that I'll return, but if I do I hope to continue to inspire and challenge you.
If you are interested in hearing about my mental, physical and spiritual growth, you can click here and follow my new blog.
Happy New Year and Be Blessed!

Super cute! Just love what you add to your pages all those cute embellishments.
Take care of yourself, I understand about getting closer to God sometimes we need to do that.
Your DD looks so awesome. I love all the pics of Gio. He's so handsome. and I can understand the reason to go on hiatus. some times God has to get alone to get us to where we should be. I love ya girl.
I love your DD. It came out awesome. Gio is soo handsome. I understand your Hiatus. Sometimes we have to get closer to him it is his world we live in and we often think it revolves around us. I think we should all take a note from your book and do the same D.
Your DD is amazing! I really love how you used the 2x2 spaces.
Hi Damaris, its so good to finally make it over to your blog to see your Dec Daily. I have had all my pages and pockets cut out but have yet to add photos and decorations till two days ago. With it being just my girls and me. I can really pump up the music and try to have done. At least this is a goal for me. lol You did an amazing job on your pages. I have made it to day six in my book. I have come to a stop due to other obligations. My goal is to have it done by March. =)
Have an awesome week.
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