To win Santa's Blog Candy You Must:

  • Follow this blog.
  • Grab my 25 Days of Christmas blog badge {above}, add it to your blog sidebar and link back to this particular blog post.
  • Write a blog post sharing the event with your followers, include my blog badge {above} and link back to my blog.  {AtStudioD.blogspot.com}

    No blog?  Share it on facebook and email me a link: AtStudioD@gmail.com
  • Leave ONLY ONE comment on each post to secure your chance of winning.  Extra comments will be deleted, {unless otherwise stated in my blog posts}.
  • Email me your address info, up to 7 days after I announce the winners.

Failure to do either of the above requirements, will hinder your chances of winning.

TIP: You can use the blog badge URL from this page or save it to your PC and upload to your blog.

Thanks for playing along and I hope you enjoy the Christmas projects at www.AtStudioD.blogspot.com.

x0, Damaris


jessica said...

Looking forward to seeing what gorgeous projects you share this year! Badge is up on my blog...off to write up the post to share!

Ms. Nique said...

Hey Girl this is my first time doing something like this! I also decided to start my own blogg!! so excited thanks you

DIANA L. said...

What a fun event I saw it on Jessica's blog and I will post it on my side bar and do a write up. I am looking forward to seeing your creations.

DIANA L. said...

Ps I just became a follower. I hope you will come visit me.

Naomi Edwards said...

Oh so exciting , my first time participating in an event like this!!! I heard of this from Jessica over at chick and scrap and Jessica says what beautiful projects you create, I can't wait!!! I am a follower already!

Beckie said...

New follower ;o) Can't wait to see the stuff. Off to post about you on my blog.

Be blessed, Beckie
Stampin Up Ind Demo

An'Jenic G. said...

Okay I thought I was a follower not sure why I wasn't seeing how I join last year. Happy to be a follower again lol. Cant wait to see what you come up with.

Lisa said...

What a fun event!! I found you through Jessica's blog Chick-n-Scrap!! I can't wait to see your projects!! I'm off to share on my blog!!

A Mermaid's Crafts

Migdalia said...

What a cool and fun event!!Saw it on Naomi Edwards blog.new follower.
Have a wonderful day,

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

I'm a new follower. Added your 25 Days of Christmas Blog button to my blog sidebar. looking forward to seeing your creations.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Kavitha Vadhri said...

Added your badge on my blog and wrote a blogpost to notify my friends.thanks for the chance.

kavitha vadhri

Sherrie K. said...

Wow, sounds like a lot of fun!!! Woot-woot! Off to add the badge and share the details:)
Sherrie K

christi said...

looks like it will be a fun time. heading to facebook to post.

Marcia said...

Wow! I am looking forward to this! I am a new follower, have posted your button to my sidebar, and also posted this giveaway to my latest blog post. Can't wait for the big day!


Pam said...

How exciting!!! I am a follower and I put your 225 days of Christmas button and link on my blog sidebar. I also wrote a post about your giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win in your fabulous giveaway!!!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Thanks for the chance. I've put this on my Left sidebar and posted as well! Sounds YUMMY!

Ardilla said...

Hi, Damaris!
I am a new follower and added your badge to my sidebar and also made a post about this event.
Thanks for the chance!

(Post: http://tarjetasdeardilla.blogspot.com/2012/11/25-days-of-christmas-candy.html)

Maria said...

I'm a follower

Maria said...

I grabbed the badge and added it to my sidebar

Maria said...

I wrote a post for the event

Unknown said...

I am now a follower. I have posted to my sidebar, and here is the link to my post...
This is awesome, thanks so much for the chance to win...hugs! Leah Ann

~ Jo ~ said...

Great giveaway thanks!!!! I am a new follower of yours, I am following you on Pinterest and I have your badge up on my sidebar. I also posted a copy of this to my blog... you can see it here..


Sharla said...

I'm a new follower, added your button to sidebar and blogged about your 25DOC!! Looking forward to seeing your projects and thanks for the chance to win!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

I too am a new follower. I added your badge and blogged all about it. I sure expect to have some fun.

Linda Clanton said...

Me too. I think I added everything. thanks for the chance.

Dayana Marin said...

I am a follower. Here is the link to my post...


Thanks so much for the chance to win...hugs! Dayana

Marla said...

I am a new blog follower and I let my blog readers know about this here:


Unknown said...

Hi, Damaris!
I am a new follower and added your badge to my sidebar and also made a post about this event in facebook
Thanks for the chance!


Tina Campbell said...

Cool Beans! I'm already a follower that's one down. Will add it to my sidebar today and write a post tomorrow for it. Easy Peasy! Thanks a bunch for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see all of the projects. Going to read the rules now.

Crystal :) said...

Cool! I cannot wait to do this! Thanks so much for hosting it! Looking forward to tomorrows post :)

alethea said...

Looking forward to all the fun starting!! I have posted on my blog about ithttp://lilodesigns.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/at-studios-ds-christmas-giveaway.html.. HUgsxx

Sherry Butcher said...

I add badge and post also follower. This will keep me going I'm sure. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sherry Butcher said...

P.S. forgot here the blog post:

christi said...

no blog yet her's my fb link https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn looking forward to playing.

Benwah said...

Put the badge on my facebook page..Thanks

Tkat said...

put your badge on my blog sidebar and blogged about your event on my blog. can't wait to see your inspirational projects :)

i'm also a new follower :) thanks for the chance

hugs, divinity

Kelly Sas said...

I now am a follower of your blog. (but my name is buckskinbelle through google or it could be kelly sas, not sure) So glad I found you today through PaperCrafter's blog. I don't have a blog or FB so I hope I can still be considered for this special contest? I too am a Christian so besides your AMAZING craft talent that also drew me to your blog. My kids are now grown and out of the home but I still love my "mom" title. Enjoy this special time of your life, it goes by so fast.

Jenn Zeeb said...

Damaris, this is fun, and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. I was a follower, but I posted about you here:
and added it to the side of my blog.

Merry Christmas
Jenn Zeeb

Bad Kitty said...

Added your 25 Days of Christmas Blog button to my blog sidebar. looking forward to seeing your creations.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Johnna said...

Misty from MB Treasurista sent me to your blog and I am now a follower. Have added your badge to my sidebar of my blog. Here is the link:

Sarah Biswabic said...

I am happy to follower your blog! I posted this on my blog. I am not sure how to install your button on blog. bbiswabic@new.rr.com

Rosalee said...

Hi Damaris. You are so generous to be offering this wonderful giveaway. I would so love to have a chance... I've linked your giveaway badge to my blog sidebar, become a new follower and mentioned your blog candy in a post on my blog. Thanks so much for the chance.
hugs, Rosalee

Robin said...

Thanks for the chance to win so many prizes! Here's the link to my post: http://robins-reflections.blogspot.com/2012/11/fabulous-candy-offer.html

Lots a hugs,


Rebecca/Sydney's Sentiments said...

What an awesome candy offer! Thanks for the chance to win it.


Venus and Luanne @ Sisters Craft Cafe said...

oh! this is wonderful I get to see lots of your projects.
Already a follower, shared your badge on my blog sidebar and included in a post here


jordanbev5@yahoo.com said...

Have your badge up on my blog, follower, and everyingthing you mentioned! Love your projects and happy to have found you!! Will post.

For the Love of Paper Crafts said...

Love your blog! Such beautiful projects. I don't have a blog but have here is my FB link with your mention:http://www.facebook.com/donna.schoolcraft.brady and have joined! Thanks for sponsoring such a wonderful giveaway!

For the Love of Paper Crafts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
For the Love of Paper Crafts said...

Love you blog and the great projects. I am new at this! Have posted about your giveaway on FB:http://www.facebook.com/donna.schoolcraft.brady Thanks!

Melinda Sweetman said...

New follower here and I cant wait to follow your blog!
I have started following and added your link to my FB page :)

Dawn said...

ok i got the badge, i am a follower,wrote a post and shared on fb

tshupile said...

I am a follower by the google reader. I have posted your url to my sidebar, and here is the link to my post:
It's in Hebrow... so good luck... :)
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Anat (tshupile)

Anonymous said...

added the badge to my blog :3
i followed by email, because i don't use blogspot, i use wordpress >.<