My New Year's Eve was uneventful. We spent the evening at church then headed to my husband's parent's house to meet up with his family who had already gone home. Oh well! On New Year's Day is when I started to feel sick. 1/2/11 was supposed to be the date of Giovanni's presentation in church, but my husband (Axel) canceled because the baby and I were both sick. I have been home since just fighting this cold and congestion. Giovanni seems to be doing better than I am. He giggles, sleeps easy and doesn't cry unless he's hungry. I, on the other hand, have been a big sourpuss. lol.
Today I finally started to feel some sort of energy and desire to do something other than watch bad tv and sleep. I had my husband take the baby to my parent's house for an overnight stay while I completely recuperate. I didn't feel like being in bed so I made my way down to the craft room (1st floor - we live in a 3 floor townhouse), and decided I would take some time to reorganize and revamp my space. Throw away what I don't use (like 10lbs of scrap paper) and tidy up the place so that it looks neater. The following photos show the before. I suppose once I'm completely done I will "FLIP" my updated room. ("Flip" is the verb I used instead of record, it's fun!) Anyway, since I moved in April 2010 I have not posted an update of my craft room. I think it's about time (now that I'm not pregnant anymore) to finish the loose ends, put things where they belong and FLIP it. lol.
I hope you enjoy seeing the mess I have. =)
(click on the photos to enlarge)
I just saw your You Tube video on your scraproom. Awesome. I have the Jetmax set up but didn't think to put my thickers in the drawers like you did! I'm in the process of reorganizing my scraproom and after flipping through the video's on You Tube...Yours totally got me thinking about how to reorganize my loot and changing up what is stored in my cubes. =)
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi April, thanks for the lovely message. The photos in this blog show the "before" so when I do end up organizing to my liking, I will show it in a newly updated video. I'm so happy to have inspired you, nonetheless, and hope that you will share what you've done to your room.
Happy scrapping.
x0, Damaris
Hey Damaris,
I finally finished my scrapbook room redo. The photo's are up on my Facebook page. I'm so happy with how it turned out! I just need to make myself work in there now. lol
Hey Damaris,
Did that reply go to your email? I hope it did. I couldn't figure out how to give you my info without everyone seeing it so I posted and then deleted the message in hopes it would go to your email. =) If not email me @ and I'll reply back.
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